Club Cooee

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Grief Syndrome

Well.. my big Bro downloaded this game before... (for almost twho months) yet I only played it once..
But now .. I'm kinna addicted to it xD
lemme introduce.. "grief syndrome"!!

Grief Syndrome

Madoka Kaname

Madoka Kaname

Madoka Kaname
has the ability to  Fire a barrage of arrows, fire a piercing arrow horizontally that knock back the enemies into a wall bounce, to shoot a single arrow straight up, and then 60 arrows rain from the sky, damaging all enemies near her, for a total of 61 hits. The shower will knock down enemies, and while charging up attacks, she can float in the air. She can do this indefinitely, staying out of an enemy's reach. 

Homura Akemi
Homura Akemi
Homura Akemi
has the ability to fire a rather weak handgun. Can be fired 7 times, has M249 Machine gun, fires 18 bullets. but if used midair, the gun will change to a Howa Type 59 but do the same number of hits and damage, fires one rocket that explodes on contact, but only hits enemies and other destructible objects, can drop a pipe bomb that explodes on contact, fires a mortar from behind at an upward angle, has the ability to freeze time for approximately 4 seconds, and during time stop she cannot be hit by enemies or their projectiles.

Mami Tomoe
Mami Tomoe
has the ability to summon and fire muskets in succession with low range, but AoE damage. At close range she can attack the enemy with both the shot and the musket itself, doing extra damage. Can be pressed 8 times, summons multiple muskets that each shoot once before disappearing, strikes the enemy with muskets on both sides, followed by a strong musket shot on both sides, sends out a cloth whip down and forwards, she can fire cannons diagonally upwards to both sides, can dive downward and hit for no damage, and ummons a very large musket and fires a strong laser.

Sayaka Miki
Sayaka Miki
Sayaka Miki
has the ability to swing her sword back and forward, lunging sword thrust forward, forward slash attack, that will knock back enemies all the way into the wall and cause them to bounce off, can jump backwards and then diagonally dive attack the way she were, jumps forward diagonally with a sword thrust facing, dives downward and hit for no damage, and can dash forward.

Kyouko Sakura

Kyouko Sakura
Kyouko Sakura
has the ability to swing her spear, lunging spear thrust forward, spinns double hit, but the first swing has weak knock back, but the second swing will knock back enemies all the way into the wall and cause them to bounce off, jumps and slash down, thrusts spear diagonally downward, uses her spear like a pole vault bending it and causing it to spring upward, even in the air... slashes in a large arc in front, over, and behind her, dives down, and can create a box shaped barrier around her comprised of small diamonds, each diamond hits for extremely low damage, stuns enemies, and disappears after hitting something.

enjoy ^.^



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